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Welcome to ideatik, a communications agency with over ten years of experience in event management, graphic design, digital communications, advertising, and public relations—accessible to everyone.  Large or small, new or experienced—whoever you are— we provide fully integrated communication services to meet your every need.

Event Management

Organization of events and protocol are our passion. We put all our effort into organizing events, paying attention to every aspect, down to the smallest detail, to best achieve your objectives.

We have been organizing events and congresses of all kinds for more than ten years, and the passion we put into our work is what defines us as an agency.

- Organization of events and congresses

- Protocol and institutional relations

- Conceptualization, production and stage management of events

- Design and production of graphic elements

- Technical secretariat of the event

Communications and Public Relations

At ideatik we love communications, so we work every day to improve the internal and external communication of our clients using public relations as a tool.


Our long experience in the world of communications and public relations gives us the skill and confidence necessary to move any project forward.

- Product communications

- Corporate communications

- Crisis communications

- Internal communications

- Press and clipping services

- Spokesperson training



An integral part of communications is advertising, so we craft targeted advertising campaigns which precisely fit the needs of our clients. We produce strategic communication plans so that you can invest in advertising efficiently and effectively, to best meet the objectives of your campaign.


As communication experts, we believe that in order to succeed, it is not enough to be good, you have to be known. That is why we create the perfect communication and advertising campaigns to improve the positioning and sales of your products and services.


- Conceptualization of advertising pieces

- Creation and production of advertising pieces

- Execution and monitoring of advertising campaigns

- Purchase of advertising space

- Strategic planning



Online communications

With the expansion of new technologies, the online environment has radically changed. At Ideatik we have mastered digital communications to provide our customers with the optimal services.


We create communication plans and generate content of interest particularly adapted to social networks. We improve web positioning, serving to enhance the presence and online reputation of our clients.

- Strategic plans for social networks

- Execution of online communication campaigns

- Execution of digital advertising campaigns

- Content creation




Graphic design and Corporate identity

At Ideatik we understand that successful communication is impossible without the seamless integration of graphic design, and we have incorporated that into all of our projects and works since the very beginning.


Because we know the importance of corporate identity and visual communication, we provide graphic design services that present the best face of your company.





- Web design and development

- Corporate Design

- Editorial design

- Graphic design

- Packaging design

- Design of promotional items

- Corporate manuals

- Branding

- Naming


Audiovisual communication

To be effecteive, today’s multiplatform digital environment requires audiovisual content. So at Ideatik we provide audiovisual production and postproduction services, always adapted to the specific needs of our customers.


In our audiovisual projects we take care of both the conceptual creation and the production and organization of the shooting, as well as recording and editing of content, always looking to offer our customers the best service.

- Creation of audiovisual content

- Corporate videos

- Advertising spots

- Script writing

- Editing and postproduction of video

- Production and organization of filming



Xarcuteria Ferran

The first design project we did for Xarcuteria Ferran was a corporate identity manual.

For this manual, we redesigned the logo, keeping the spirit of the original but with a cleaner and innovative style.

Looking forward to the future applications of the logo we did three versions of it,
adaptable to the size in which they were going to be used.

In addition, we designed multiples corporate elements such as business cards, wrapping papers,
bags, uniforms, among others.

For this manual we created and designed the logo and its uses, corporate typography and
branding elements of Xarcuteria Ferran.


Over the years, we have had the pleasure of working with many people and we hope to continue working with many more, sharing our passion for communications, public relations, and the organization of events.


Albert Maruny

Journalist with a long history in written press and radio. He worked at major communications companies such as Bassat Ogilvy, Weber Shandwick, and Tinkle Consultants, as well as in media such as ABC, Expansión, RNE and Diario 16. He is a professor in Advertising and Public Relations at Abat Oliba CEU University and holds a Master's Degree in Communication and Public Relations from ISM-ESIC. He is also director of the International School of Protocol in Barcelona.


Marc Crespo

Expert in customer service, training, communications, and event organization. With advanced studies in advertising and public relations, he has experience with companies such as Adlink Internet Media, Movistar, and Airtel. He is also a tutor and professor of protocol and directive skills at the International School of Protocol of Barcelona.


Esther Otero

Copy specialist in communication management with extensive experience in public relations, event organization and management of press offices. She is also a lawyer and expert in social protocol, serving as the academic director of the International School of Protocol in Barcelona.


Nil Mas

Specialist in production and organization of events, advertising and marketing, as well as in online reputation and social networks. A professional in advertising with experience in public relations and communication campaigns with companies such as Desigual. He is also a professor of communication and product and brand management at the International School of Protocol.


Silvia Urgellés

Develops and implements customer care plans and call center implementation. She is also a psychologist with expertise in management and client relations.



More than ten years of experience in the world of communications and event management support our work. These are some of the clients with whom we have had the pleasure to work, learn, and grow:


ideatik Solidary

Not everything in life is business and that is how we understand it. Which is why we contribute our time and effort working with non-profit projects that we love. Here are some of those who have stolen our heart:


You can call, write or come in to see us whenever you want.

We would be delighted!


T. 934 513 031

Head office

Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 474

08015 Barcelona

We are also in:

Palma de Mallorca  


Privacy and data protection policy

The Privacy Policy of IdeatikMaxe, S.L. is governed by the fulfilment of the legislation in force in matters of personal information protection of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Law. In this section we set out the Privacy Policy of our Web Site for personal information that users (clients, guests or candidates) may provide when visiting it.

1. Use and treatment of personal data.

In fulfilment of that established in Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, for the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), IdeatikMaxe, S.L. informs that the personal information provided in filling out the electronic registration forms contained in its web, of the inquiries remitted referring to the services we offer, as well as the information to which IdeatikMaxe, S.L. has access as a result of sending curriculum vitae, may be incorporated to an automated file, being able to exercise their right to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the treatment of their personal information in the terms and conditions foreseen in section 3. This information is treated in such a manner as to inform of activities, services, convocations, events and the issuing of press releases. In addition, the information provided by candidates for employment will be treated in such a manner as to manage our personnel selection processes. The filling out of our forms, validation and sending or receiving them to any of our electronic mail addresses provided by in the web, signifies that you have been informed and, where pertinent, given your consent to the Privacy Policy of IdeatikMaxe, S.L., recognizing that the information you have provided is exact and true. Registration as a client or guest on our Web site implies the express authorization to send commercial information and advertising to your electronic mail address, in fulfilment of Law 31/2002, of 11 July, of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services Law (LSSICE). IdeatikMaxe, S.L. will not send by electronic mail advertising communications that have not been authorized by users, but, even with the authorization of the addressee, will identify with the word “advertising” those electronic mails that contain commercial communications or promotions that differ from those requested or of those requested necessary to render our services.

2. Security measures.

IdeatikMaxe, S.L. has installed all those security measures necessary to guarantee the security of their personal information and thereby prevent their alteration, loss, treatment and/or unauthorized access, all within the limitations that security on the Internet affords.

3. Exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition.

All those persons who have facilitated information to IdeatikMaxe, S.L. may access, rectify, modify or oppose the treatment of this data addressing themselves by postal mail to IdeatikMaxe, S.L., Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 474, 08015 Barcelona; or by electronic mail to, their request accompanied in all cases with a copy of their national identity card.

4. Use of Cookies.

IdeatikMaxe, S.L. informs that it does not use cookies.

5. Links.

The IdeatikMaxe, S.L. Web site offers links to other Web sites of third party companies that may be of their interest, being unable to guarantee the fulfilment by these companies of the legislation in force for the protection of information and electronic commerce. IdeatikMaxe, S.L. assumes no responsibility, whether indirect or subsidiary, for any damages of any kind that may derive from access, maintenance, use, quality, legality, reliability and utility of the contents, information, communications, opinions, manifestations, products and services existing or offered in the Web sites not managed by IdeatikMaxe, S.L. that may be accessed through the page, but manifests that it has no effective knowledge of whether the activity or information to which it remits is legal or damages property or rights of third parties susceptible to compensation.

6. Modification of the privacy policy.

IdeatikMaxe, S.L. reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, promising to publish any modification with at least ten days notification to its effective application.